Still, despite Undercover Grandpa's flaws, it makes for a fairly entertaining pick for family movie night - particularly if it's at Grandpa's house. That the villains are from a vaguely Eastern European fictional country will take viewers out of the story, and the fact they nabbed Angie for being at the wrong place at the wrong time, while plausible, is never fully explained. Gus and Pizza Steve follow a map on a childs menu in search of treasure. But the story's biggest drawback is the subplot surrounding the reasons Angie was kidnapped. The team of old war friends doesn't have too much to do, which is a shame the award-winning actors who play them deserve more substantial material. As for the young 'uns, Everett and Onieogou are believable as old friends on opposite sides of the popularity spectrum who are predictably brought closer by their intense circumstances.
Jessica Walter, of Arrested Development fame, plays a Canadian officer who has both a professional and romantic history with Lou. Caan, who's no stranger to action or holding a weapon on screen, inhabits the character of Lou well, even though he'd probably enjoy having a meatier role to play. Jake might think he knows his "senile" and nursing-home-dwelling grandfather, but the truth is far more complicated. Directed by Canadian TV veteran Erik Canuel, Undercover Grandpa explores the well-used cliche that "old folks" still have plenty to teach younger generations about, well, pretty much everything. This mildly amusing intergenerational adventure serves as a melancholy reminder of how Hollywood disregards acclaimed actors like Caan, Sorvino, and Gossett in their golden years. and Paul Sorvino) for one last mission to rescue Angie. Hesitant at first, Jake eventually agrees to help Grandpa enlist his old war buddies (including Louis Gossett Jr. Grandpa then reveals that he has the specific skills necessary to rescue Angie, who's being held by fictional foreign bad guys. When Jake and Grandpa finally get there, it's clear (to Grandpa) that Angie has been kidnapped. Things take an unexpectedly dramatic turn when, on the way to drop Grandpa off at the nursing home after dinner, Angie calls to ask whether Jake can pick her up from where her car broke down in an abandoned industrial neighborhood.

But their first date gets off to an annoying start when Jake's mom says he has to stay for his family's bi-weekly dinner with Grandpa Lou ( James Caan). After finding out that Angie has finally broken up with her boyfriend, Jake asks her to a classmate's party, and she agrees. UNDERCOVER GRANDPA is about 17-year-old Jake (Dylan Everett), a nerdy Canadian teen with a massive crush on his beautiful childhood friend, Angie (Greta Onieogou).